TALOE's main goal is to develop a web-based platform to help teachers and trainers decide which e-assessment strategies to use in their online courses. This tool is aimed to raise teachers’ awareness about the variety of e-assessment strategies in order to improve the quality of the learning process. The main idea is that teachers will describe the LOs of their course or module and the TALOE platform will analyse them and provide a suitable e-assessment strategy that is consistent with the intended learning.
The main target groups are teachers and trainers of online or blended courses from all levels of education: they may use the TALOE tool to define e-assessment strategies for their courses or modules.
The key outputs of the project are:
- document on innovative e-assessment practices,
- web-based e-assessment platform and
- global report on implementation of the platform.
- University of Porto (PT) – Coordinator
- Dennis Gabor College (HU)
- University of Zagreb – University Computing Centre (HR)
- Innovate4Future – Center for Advanced Educational Solutions (RO)
- University of Padua (IT)
- European Distance and E-Learning Network (UK)
- European University Continuing Education Network (BE)
- Information Technology Foundation for Education (EE)
- National Distance Education University (ES)