TALOE (Time to Assess Learning Outcomes in E-learning)
About the project
TALOE is a two-year project co-funded under the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Programme, approaching the e-assessment concept by using technology for assessing students’ learning.
Leonardo-Socires (2010 - 2012)
About the project
Every organization influences the society in some way or another. This includes influence to the health, wellbeing and life in general of employees and their relatives; influence to the environment, partner organizations and various stakeholders, including customers or consumers, workers and their trade unions, members, the community, nongovernmental organizations, etc.
SOCIRES will define a set of skills needed to analyze and define social influences and responsibilities of an organization, as well as skills needed to define procedures that would ensure the optimal ratio between social responsibilities and economic interests of the organization. The scope and core subjects of social responsibly on the basis of the newly published ISO 26000 will be considered.
About the project
The project includes:
•Development of an online accredited programme of study for the job role of a social media networker.
•Piloting of the programme in all participating member states of the project and refinement of the programme based on systematic feedback
•Dissemination of the project results via a range of channels including a major conference and special issues in journals
•Ensuring the sustainability of the project and its outputs through the European Certificates Association and other bodies.